Well, I woke up yesterday and decided that I was going to run 10 miles, which is further than I have yet run. As you may recall form a previous post, I'm training to run my first half marathon in June at the Minneapolis Marathon. The training plan that I am <<loosely>> following says that I should be getting up to 10 miles for the weekend long run, so I thought, "Today's the day." I decided to 'Cowboy Up' and get it done.
Remarkably, it wasn't that big of a deal. I ended up averaging a 10:15 pace, which I'm pretty okay with, as this is my first run of this distance. More important than the time at this point, I guess, is that I ran it all without stopping, except for one stoplight on 50th Street (twice). So I suppose that technically I did stop twice, but I figure that's about the equivalent of walking through a water stop. At least that's what I was telling myself when the lights changed...
I'm really lucky to live in the city of Minneapolis - it's an urban area for sure, but it's got an amazing system of parks and running/biking paths that are incredibly well-maintained and extensive. You can see my route here - takes me along a nice quiet creek, past the school where I teach, and then around a lake. Can't beat that for scenery. The best part of the whole deal is that the creek is only 3 blocks form chez nous, so it's like 3 minutes and on on it.
Since I live in the neighborhood where I teach (I'm a first grade teacher), I saw several of my kids as I was running. Six-year-olds (some of them) are still at the stage where they are a bit non-plussed to see their teacher outside of school, like I live at school or something. It's pretty cute to see the looks on their faces when I run by and wave to them.
All in all, a good day running, and an even better day after - I wasn't really sore at all when I got up this morning to go to church. I thought that I was going to be pretty creaky, but not the case. I'm taking the day off today, and then getting back after it tomorrow before work.
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